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A library for multiprecision arithmetic in C

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Welcome to mpFormulaC!

The mpFormulaC library provides a comprehensive set of number-theoretical functions, and elementary and special real and complex functions in multiprecision ball arithmetic. It is based on a number of well-established libraries, which implement or support multiprecision, interval, or ball arithmetic: GMP, MPFR, FLINT, ARB, libmpdec, MPFRC++, Eigen, Boost Math Toolkit and Boost Random. Additional planned functionality includes integration in LibreOffice Calc (Windows, Mac OSX, GNU/Linux), with multiprecision support for the numerical functions of this spreadsheet program. The library is currently still in pre-alpha stage, and much of the planned functionality is still missing.


The manual is also available separately as pdf file: mpFormulaC.pdf. Like the library itself, the manual is still very incomplete.

Quick start under Windows.

System requirements: Windows (Desktop) with .NET Framework 4.x (Full).

Download the .zip file and unzip it into a directory for which you have write access. Within the unzipped directory double-click on mpFormulaC.bat. This will start the Python Console of the SharpDevelop IDE. To confirm that mpFormulaC is working, type the following within the Python Console:

>>> from mpFormulaC import *
>>> pi

Still in the Sharpdevelop IDE, click on Tools -> mpFormulaC Manual, to open the manual in your default pdf viewer.

Within the manual, navigate to Getting Started - Tutorials, and follow the examples. You can copy and paste the Python code of the examples from the manual into the Python Console.

Quick start with LibreOffice Calc (Windows, Mac OSX, GNU/Linux)

To use the mpFormulaC functions from within LibreOffice Calc, you need to install the mpFormulaC add-in for LibreOffice (see the manual for details).

Additional Information

The site "Numerical Explorations" contains background information related to Python and Verified Computing in general, and mpFormulaC in particular.


The mpFormulaC Library and Toolbox is free software. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 (GPLv3).